Discover the various benefits of Status for your clinic.
A Simple and Effective Tool for Managing Doctor-Patient Relationship
Doctors have a unique tool for managing appointments with support for emergencies and unscheduled visits. Status allows doctors to view all waiting patients and their waiting time and to respond to patients queries from anywhere at anytime.
Connected & Enhanced Healthcare Focused on the Patient
Quick and user friendly access to patients files and history, including family history components. All the required health data is available: allergies, up-to-date medication, recent health parameters readings (blood pressure, blood glucose, weight), long term history for the medical parameters and lab results, X-Rays, CTs, scans and other images.
More Free Time for You and a Faster Service for your Patients
For us doctors, time is never enough. We need a lot of time to research a patients file, go over his or her medical history, read and interpret medical tests and this usually happens while the patient is present. The mobile app lets me view all these from anywhere so when I'm with the patient I can focus on him so we have a faster and more productive medical act.